Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Two Months

Ignatius displaying his excitement when I told him he has a photo shoot when we get home

"What?!?! No clothes?!?!

I think he looks so much like Julian here

"Oh lady you're killing me here, can I just go to bed?"

"Hey there, how you doing? The name's Iggy Frank"

It's so crazy that it has been two months already with our sweet baby boy. It's seems to be flying by, but at the same time neither of us can remember what life was like without him. Everyone always talks of this overwhelming love you feel immediately and I knew I would have it, but I never thought it would be this intense. Tears weld up in my eyes at least once a day while staring at him. Michael constantly tells him, "Ignatius I want to consume you in pill form" and nothing is closer to the truth, absolutely delicious.

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