Sunday, October 23, 2011

Beanut turns 1!!!!

The birthday girl shows off one of her many hair accessories

Iggy is eyeing up all the tasty apps everyone is eating

Trying to force a hug and kiss between the boys

Spying a sweet moment between Auntie Barb and Mr. Cronin

Godfather and Bones

I could die happy after spotting the smile coming my way

Sweet Bea wants in on the puppet show

The sweetest boy of all surveys the scene

The smash cake

Delicious treats homemade by Auntie Megan

Snuggles between the birthday girl and Grampie

Beatrix turned one on Friday and Saturday was her celebration. As always, it was such a joy to see everyone. Unfortunately Mr. Iggy had a meltdown towards the end of the night, therefore no pictures were captured of the birthday girl enjoying her cake. This also called for Mommy and baby having to make a quick exit without saying goodbye, sorry all. 

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