Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Baby blues

I am obsessed about Ignatius's eye color and whether or not these blue eyes are staying. Initially the pediatrician said if they're blue by 6 months, it's pretty safe to say they're staying. So today I asked her was she thought, she only saw a few specs of brown in the left eye. She ruled out brown eyes, but said they may change to hazel, more like a blue grey. We'll see. I still think it's my Mom's doing! 

Jam session continues

Ignatius showing off his singing skills and a little of his dance moves

Post bath time fun

Iggy fears this will turn into another nudie session

Someone finally noticed the camera lens

Those cheeks! 

Six months!

Iggy is also shocked with how fast time has gone. Can't believe my baby is halfway to a year. 

Such a sweet baby face.

This smile can brighten anyone's day.
Can't believe how fast the first 6 months has gone. Feels like just yesterday I was wrapping my arms around this bundle of joy for the first time. Every second with him is a dream come true. 
We had Iggy's 6 month visit today. Weighing in 17lbs, 7 oz (that's a 10 pound weight gain since birth) and measuring in at 27 1/2 inches ( 7 1/2 inches since birth). He falls in 50% for weight and 83% for height. The doctor was very impressed with his sitting up and thinks he will be an early crawler, only time will tell. 

The end of fall


The boy can really wear a hat. 

Naked baby

Two seconds after this was taken, little Mister spit up all over. Luckily it made for a great photo shoot. 

Smiling with his eyes. 

Making tooting noises

So serious all the time.

Let's party! 

Hey Mom, grab me some milk!

Happy Halloween

Last minute I had to run out and get Iggy a costume. I was quite happy with the selection. 

Iggy was not so confident.

Now he's warming up to it. 

What a face

Getting stronger by the day

The other weekend I was testing out Iggy's leg strength, for a brief moment he stood. You can see his excitement, mine was the same. 

Starting to weaken

Tickle tickle

Someone laughs so hard he toots