Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Six months!

Iggy is also shocked with how fast time has gone. Can't believe my baby is halfway to a year. 

Such a sweet baby face.

This smile can brighten anyone's day.
Can't believe how fast the first 6 months has gone. Feels like just yesterday I was wrapping my arms around this bundle of joy for the first time. Every second with him is a dream come true. 
We had Iggy's 6 month visit today. Weighing in 17lbs, 7 oz (that's a 10 pound weight gain since birth) and measuring in at 27 1/2 inches ( 7 1/2 inches since birth). He falls in 50% for weight and 83% for height. The doctor was very impressed with his sitting up and thinks he will be an early crawler, only time will tell. 

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