Sunday, June 17, 2012

First Birthday Party

Ignatius was so lucky to celebrate his first birthday with his family. We are truly blessed to have such amazing people in our lives. Thank you to all who came out and sweated their butts off, sorry about the 90 degree day and non-functioning air conditioner. 

The boys waiting patiently for the pool to be filled up

The new babes on the block! 

Our Mexican feast. I might have over-ordered. It was delicious and we enjoyed Mexican for the next four nights. 

The cake, from Busy Bee's Bakery in Downers Grove, was delicious. 

This was snapped right after he put the candle out with his finger. 

Really wanted nothing to do with the cake. Poor guy was overheated and under napped. 

Glad someone wanted to wear the birthday hat. 

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