Monday, October 15, 2012

Welcome sweet baby Maeve

I woke up on October 2nd feeling real lousy. I questioned if it meant anything, but kept telling myself labor would feel worse than this. When I sat down to eat lunch I couldn't deny it any more, I put myself on the monitor to discover I was contracting every 2-3 minutes. I still couldn't believe it, our baby was coming and I haven't packed a bag yet! I have never felt so much panic. As I sat there listening to the baby's heart beating (which I was convinced was a boy due to the super low rate of 118-122), my mind started racing: how is Ignatius going to feel about this, I need to hold him right now, will labor be fast, will it be as pain free as last time, I wish my mom was here. They always say you're never truly ready for baby, but Maeve was ready to meet us. 
Mind still spinning, but kind of sinking in that this is real. 

I will never forget the moment she came into the world. My dad asked the room "what does everyone think, does this face look like a boy or girl?" and as he pulled the baby out her legs opened up to reveal the girl she is. Screams could be heard down the hall from all of us. Truly a surprise. 

Hi everybody! 

For more pictures from that wonderful day visit Megan's blog. She captured that day better than I could have ever imagined. 

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