Thursday, November 6, 2014

Adventures in potty training

It's been a struggle most of the time, but I think he has finally got it down. However on Sunday Michael and I were in the kitchen with the kids in the backyard. Michael started yelling out "he pooped in the backyard." I thought he pooped in his pants and Michael just knew from the face Iggy was making. Oh no no no, we walked out to the child with his pants and undies down to his ankles and poop in the grass. He was so pleased. Huge smiling on his face and screaming "Mommy I pooped in the garden!" I reminded him that we don't poop outside, only doggies do. He looked at me very seriously and said "Sorry mommy, I just wanted to be like Chauncey for a little bit."

He is very particular about which undies he wears. Obviously super heroes are a must.

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