Wednesday, June 1, 2011

First few days of life

Later on Sunday afternoon Daddy holds Iggy for the first time

How my boy was positioned inside for the duration of the third trimester, legs out and hands near face

He loves his Auntie Rosie so much already

Auntie Angie looks like his 12 year old babysitter

Iggy really wanted to make sure he was ready for swimsuit season, to the tanning bed he goes

Just relaxing with my toes clasped

Leaving the hospital. "Hmmm will I continue to have so many visitors at this place called home?"

Daddy making sure Iggy stays hydrated so the bilirubin can come down

First bath at home. Thank God Mommy knows how to give a quick bath, Iggy wasn't having it.

First visit to Pop Pop's office, Iggy doesn't know how to manuever his paws yet.

The meeting of Chauncey and Ignatius, both couldn't care less

But quickly a friendship developed

Trying to emerge from his cocoon

Mommy having a quiet moment with her boys

We want to thank all our family and friends for their support and love. We couldn't have made it through this time without you. 

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