Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Welcome Ignatius Francis

At 11:07am on May 8, 2011 Ignatius Francis Cronin came into the world screaming, weighing 7 pounds 7 ounces and 20 inches long

Pop Pop cutting the umbilical cord

Mommy overcome with emotion. Amazed at how much love you can have immediately.

Daddy soaking in his son

Can't believe you're finally here

Such a blessing

Proud parents or deers in headlights?

Grampie gets his first glimpse

A special moment between the birthday boys

Auntie Megan and Auntie Erin trying to guess boy or girl

The entire pregnancy a certain someone always loved having the hands in the mouth

"Seriously people either feed me or I'm eating my hand"

Getting footprints

Thanks Pop Pop and Auntie Jill!

Not so sure what to make of this thing called a bath

Definitely don't want my tushy exposed and seriously can we feed me already????

Like every baby, water on the head really hits the spot

All clean and happy in Mommy's arms

So in love

The most common question we receive is "what are you going to call him?" Our response is call him whatever you want. We appreciate any and all nicknames. Thank you to Jill who immediately went with Iggy Piggy, he's quickly making that name his own and eating lots and lots.

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