Thursday, June 9, 2011

Iggy's first trip to Medinah

These two certainly make the water inviting

Trying to keep the little dude cool

Uncle Michael teaching the girls the way of the world

Spotted from across the table, I nearly died at the cuteness

Uncle Michael showing Leo his best monkey impression

Leo looks on wonder and amazement

Emmett liking what he sees

Going in for the kill. Slow Mommy missed the great photo opportunity, yuck.

Esme dipping Leo for a big smooch goodbye
Sunday we went to Medinah to celebrate Michael's graduation from his master's program. It's been quite a journey for him, during the time he was completeing his Master's program he was teaching full-time, coaching five sports, adjusting to life as a married man, dealing with a kidney stone, preparing for baby (which entailed completeing a nursery while dealing with a kidney stone), and dealing with his pregnant wifey. Through it all Michael continued to amaze me every day. How he does it all I will never know. I am honored to call him my husband, but more importantly my best friend. Congrats big Poppa, we love you so much, and are so proud of you.

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