Sunday, November 10, 2013

First Birthday Party

Maeve waiting for her guests. It was maybe 15 minutes before guests were due to arrive that Michael said "I think we're in the clear, the radar looks like it's going to pass over us". Not even 5 minutes later the rain was coming down sideways. What a jinx.

It's as if she grew from baby into little girl overnight.

Maeve was such a ham! I was expecting screaming, tears, tugging at the birthday hat, but none of it. She was looking around with a big smile on her face. She was truly happy to have all her loved ones around her and celebrating her special day.

It was as if the smash cake was invented for Maeve. Not even 5 minutes in, she was covered in the cake. Even after a bath I continued to smell frosting.

Ignatius was so happy to have his buddy Beckett over. I really can't handle the cuteness that comes from these two.

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