Sunday, November 10, 2013

One Year Pediatrician Appointment

Maeve's stats: 24lbs 1oz (88th percentile), 30.25inches (82nd percentile), and 48cm for her head (98th percentile, would you expect anything else from a Cronin)
Maeve was just under 2 lbs heavier and 1/4 inch shorter than Iggy at one, but the Cronin melon is the exact same. 
She was a trooper during her shots, just a few tears. The past saturday we went back for her flu vaccine booster. The nurse walked in and I immediately started crying. She quickly gave Maeve her shot, and Maeve didn't even flinch, no tears, just a quick stink eye and she was over it. Made me feel like a crazy person, won't be the first time I guess. 

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