Tuesday, November 13, 2012

18 month visit

Last week thursday we celebrated Iggy turning 1 1/2. The visit to the pediatrician was filled with lots of tears mixed with moments of stare downs at the nurses and doctor and cuddles with Momma. I ate up all the cuddles with Momma. Iggy weighed in at 27 lbs (65th percentile), 33 1/2 inches (82nd percentile), and his Cronin melon is holding strong at 89th percentile.  

"Whoa, whoa, whoa Maeve what did the doctor say?"

Since Maeve was having her face looked at I asked if they could put her on the scale too. Little miss tipped the scales at 12 lbs 1 oz, granted she had a light layer of clothing on, but hey she was almost 12 lbs. Maeve was discharged from the hospital 5 weeks ago on Friday, she weighed 7 lbs 1 oz, which means she has packed on 5 lbs in 5 weeks! I never imagined my body was capable of producing enough milk to encourage such growth. 

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