Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Thanksgiving festivities

Josh and Melissa hosted Thanksgiving in their new house. It was a feast and everything was delicious. Unfortunately I didn't have time to snap any pictures, holidays are certainly different when you have a toddler and a newborn. 
Before we depart a quick snap of Da with his kiddos.

What a beauty

Ignatius spent most of his time in the basement playing with all of Juju and Reese's toys.

Maeve is ready to eat turkey. 

Hope Ignatius didn't feel left out being the only one not wearing his spiderman/girl costume. Ignatius also ate more than both twins combined. We had a 10 minute session of him running circles around the house and every time he passed the table he would grab a handful of food. 

Maeve's dinner seat, note the bare legs as we had a blowout, ugh. 

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